Rail Market Intelligence
Following a difficult period, the rail industry must find new and innovative ways to reduce the cost of infrastructure projects and increase revenue. We can combine our expertise and data from a wide range of rail clients from the UK and internationally, in order to provide leading market intelligence and identify a number of opportunities for better project development and delivery.
Industry Benchmarking and Analysis
We provide extensive benchmarking services to validate infrastructure costs and ensure value for money. Our experience across the infrastructure sectors both across the UK and internationally means we have a comprehensive database of cost data and cost drivers that can adversely impact project budgets.
Strategic Planning
We work closely with your leadership teams to develop your Strategic Plan. We will undertake a SWOT analysis of your business, PESTLE analysis of external factors, and combine the outputs of these with your strategic vision to develop a concise and achievable Strategic Plan, underpinned with strategic goals and a concise and targeted action plan. We will manage the implementation of the Plan, track achievements and hold action owners to account to assure the success and growth of your business.